First Method: Sprinkle Garlic in the Soil
To get rid of fungus gnats, simply sprinkle a tablespoon of garlic powder into a medium-sized pot. Spread it evenly and mix it well with the soil.
If you wish, you can cover the garlic with a layer of soil to incorporate it better.
Second Method: Pour Garlic into the Water
Another way to use garlic for the benefit of your garden plants is through watering. Itโs a straightforward process. Pour a liter of previously heated water into a container. The temperature should not exceed 60 degrees Celsius. Then, add a teaspoon of garlic powder to the water.
Let the mixture cool, then filter it. With the garlic-infused water obtained, you can now water your flowers and plants as usual.
This process is particularly suitable for violets, geraniums, and orchids, but you can also use it for all other types of flowers in your garden.
Well, now you know how to do it. Itโs time to get to work.
Try these simple tips: youโll see, you wonโt regret it!
Have fun and good luck!