
How to grow garlic in water to have an endless supply

January 11, 2024

If you’re a fan of fresh garlic and wish to have a continuous supply year-round, growing garlic in water is a simple and rewarding method to achieve just that. By following a few straightforward steps, you can sprout garlic cloves, nurture them in water, and eventually transplant them into soil for a continuous cycle of growth and harvest. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough of the process, enabling you to enjoy homegrown garlic straight from your kitchen. Whether you have a green thumb or are a beginner gardener, growing garlic in water is an accessible and satisfying way to maintain a constant supply of this versatile ingredient.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Materials Needed:

  • Garlic bulb
  • Container (glass or jar)
  • Water
  • Sunny location
  • Potting mix (optional if you plan to transplant)

Step 1: Selecting the Garlic Bulb Choose a large, healthy garlic bulb from a reputable source. Look for firm bulbs with unblemished cloves. Avoid bulbs that show signs of damage or disease.

Step 2: Preparing the Garlic Cloves Separate the cloves from the bulb, but make sure to keep the papery skin intact on each clove. This will protect the cloves during the sprouting process.

Step 3: Placing the Cloves in Water Fill a container, such as a glass or jar, with water. Submerge the garlic cloves in the water, ensuring that the pointed ends are facing up. Place the cloves close together but not touching.

Step 4: Providing Sunlight Place the container in a sunny location where the garlic cloves will receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. A windowsill or a well-lit area of your home works well. Sunlight is crucial for the growth of healthy green shoots.

Step 5: Changing the Water Every 2-3 days, change the water in the container to prevent stagnation and ensure a fresh supply of nutrients for the growing garlic. Carefully pour out the old water and replace it with clean water.

Step 6: Monitoring Growth Over time, you will notice roots emerging from the bottom of the cloves and green shoots growing from the top. The roots will appear first, followed by the shoots. Be patient, as it may take a few weeks for significant growth to occur.

Step 7: Transplanting (Optional) If you prefer to grow the garlic in soil rather than water, you can transplant the sprouted cloves. Once the shoots reach a height of 2-3 inches and the roots are well-developed, carefully remove the cloves from the water and plant them in well-draining potting mix or directly in your garden. Plant the cloves with the shoots facing upward and cover them with soil, leaving the shoots exposed.

Step 8: Harvesting and Replanting Allow the garlic plants to grow until the leaves turn yellow and begin to dry out. This indicates that the bulbs are mature and ready for harvest. Carefully dig up the bulbs, brush off excess soil, and store them in a cool, dry place.

To maintain a continuous supply, save a few of the harvested bulbs for replanting. Repeat the process by selecting healthy cloves, placing them in water, and allowing them to sprout. By replanting harvested bulbs, you can enjoy a constant cycle of growing and harvesting garlic.

Remember to monitor the plants regularly, provide adequate water and sunlight, and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal growth.

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